Prof. Neta Ziv
Professor Neta Ziv serves as The Vice President for Equity, Diversity and Community at Tel Aviv University. She served as the Academic Director of the Institute for Law and Philanthropy between the years 2019-2022. Until 2014 she directed the Clinical Programs at the law school. Prof. Ziv taught courses on "Legal Ethics and the Legal Profession", "Regulation and Legislation", "Housing Law" and "Human Rights of People with Disabilities." Prof. Ziv received her LL.B. from the Hebrew University Law Faculty, an LL.M. from The American University in Washington, D.C., and her J.S.D. from Stanford Law School. Prof. Ziv practiced as a public interest lawyer for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, and served as a leading attorney in some of Israel’s major human rights cases litigated before the Israeli Supreme Court. She was among the founding members of the "Israel Women’s Network Legal Center", the Chair of "Bizchut - the Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities", and of "Itach - Maaki: Women Lawyers for Social Justice". Prof. Ziv is the Chair of "Milestones for Life" (serving young adults on the autistic spectrum). Since 2018 she is an elected member of Ramat Hasharon Municipal Council.